When dreams break new ground

Milad Zohrevandi on launching the first Persian TV channel in Australia

The Australian Iranian community had everything except for a TV channel and filmmaker but thanks to Milad Zohrevandi, now the community has both. Milad is an independent filmmaker and has been a great influence within the Persian, Australian and Afghan communities.

“Independence is the key to successful filmmaking,” says Milad, who has refused to accept projects from many organisations because he felt they were a compromise on his independence.

Born in Tehran, Iran, Milad studied fine arts (film and television) in college and is a screenwriter, producer, cinematographer, editor and musician. In 2009, Milad officially began his career as an independent filmmaker, co-founding Dreamland Media Productions, an independent film and television production company based in Melbourne.

Dreamland Media Productions has a team of highly motivated and experienced professionals with expertise in project development; production, post production, sales and marketing in film and television world. They provide high quality sound and video production and post-production services for clients in Melbourne or around Australia.

In 2015, Milad established Dreamland TV, the first Persian TV channel in Australia. Dreamland TV has now become a popular and successful TV channel not just for the Persian community but within the Afghan community too. “I chose the name Dreamland, because it is a place to fulfil dreams, where there is no racism, war, manslaughter, religious fanaticism and ethnic bias,” says Milad.

Dreamland has produced more than 5,000 minutes of TV content in the last two years for Dreamland TV as well as for several TV stations around the world like SBS and VOA.

Milad was nominated for the best music video award in 2013 for ‘Don’t worry girl’ and he won the best sound recording award in 2014 for H: Story of a Dead Man’ at the Martini awards Film festival in Australia.

Milad has also been media director for some of the most popular and iconic Persian singers such as Dariush Eghbali, Googoosh, Homayounshajarian, Moein, Shahram Shapareh, Javadyasari and Gheysar. “I try to incorporate Persian culture into my work. I guess that’s what resonates with my viewers,” says Milad.

Milad was the cameraman for the Australian Football League matches in 2014-2015 and the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? show in 2015. He has produced and directed a documentary called I am their voice for SBS channel. It is a story about the ordeals of a former political prisoner who is raped and tortured by an Islamic regime in Iran.

Milad is currently working on a short film called Hidden Lie and a documentary titled F for Farid, about the life of a Persian movie star before the Islamic revolution in Iran. “We intend to complete the project by December this year and it will be screened at several film festivals around the world,” says Milad.

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